A Walk Along The South Side

Yesterday the temperature roller coaster was on the way up. By lunch time it was at 10 C so a walk along the South side of St. John’s harbour seemed a good idea.



Here’s what the North (and more developed) side looks like from the opposite side.



While the North side is mostly taken up by other types of business–retail, banking and all things oil–the South side remains more firmly rooted in why St. John’s was populated in the first place.









Made it out to the Fort Amherst lighthouse this time. It’s quite windy here but you’d hardly say so in the rest of the harbour, thanks to the shelter afforded by the surrounding  hills.



Did I mention the hills?



There’s a reason they call the place “The Rock.”


Still a few dogberries here and there. Not for long though.


And as for the temperature, while it did go up enough to melt all of the snow, this morning the car and van were covered in ice. It’s 3 C today, going down to -3 tonight and -7 tomorrow. So much for the dogberries…

About Maurice A. Barry

Coordinator: Teaching and Learning Commons, Faculty of Education, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Parent & Husband. eLearning consultant/coordinator. Program Development Specialist - eLearning (Department of Education; Retired). Writer: over 40 Math/Physics texts/webs. Developer & Manager of web content. Geek. Not into awards but loves comments.
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24 Responses to A Walk Along The South Side

  1. Mjollnir says:

    Looks like a lovely place Maurice especially in those balmy temperatures. Now where does it remind me of again…?

  2. Mary says:

    Thanks so much for posting these pics of your Walk on the Wildside of the Southside. Dogberries!!!!! I miss seeing them covered in snow! So do you think their abundance here means you are in for a wild weather winter:)?!
    Here is an old link to an Evening Telegram article you might enjoy:


  3. Beautiful, rugged landscapes! One can see that winter is on its way though. Have you had any snow yet this year?

  4. jennypellett says:

    I want to live in that lighthouse!

  5. A beautiful place with much scope for your photographic imagination. I’d love to spend some time walking amongst those working boats with my camera … and the waterfalls were nice as well. As soon as I post this I’m going to go take a look on Google Maps for St. John’s … my geography is horrid and I have no good idea where this is. D

  6. seeker says:

    It looks so inviting. I will move but I don’t like windy places. Do you ever get Iceberg floating around?

  7. johnlmalone says:

    I love the photos esp of the lighthouse and that grandaddy rock 🙂

  8. elkement says:

    Looking at this pictures I realize that living near water – sea, lakes or large rivers – has a special appeal … that I cannot put into words.
    Unfortunately in Austria estates near large lakes come at an exorbitant prices which makes those areas sort of exclusive millionaires-only properties.

  9. Jen Payne says:

    Pretty country! Remind me again where you spend your days?

  10. prsachs says:

    And I thought I was on the East Coast here in Philadelphia. Geez, I’m nearly halfway to California by your reckoning. How do you think living where you do has affected how you write?

  11. t says:

    I’m always indebted to you for sharing your photos, the landscapes, the houses, the industry and the stories of the people and communities who bring them to life. Sometimes places call to us. I wonder if its a genetic memory deeply imprinted in our DNA? Perhaps this is what happens when people think they’ve been reincarnated or have a déjà vu moments? Whatever the reason something about your beautiful environment calls to me yet I have never had the opportunity to stand on those shores or climb the hills. I think dog berry is what we call witch bane or rowan or mountain ash? Here they are laden with berries, normally signalling a cold winter ahead. I’m not of your place but somewhere inside I know I would feel completely at home there with the dog berries, the rocks, the sea and the nature at her most glorious.

    • Regarding dogberries, right on all counts! There’s much here to remind you of home. Just about every part of this province is like a corresponding part in Great Britain. That said, I don’t think St. John’s is like any other city…anywhere.
      The majority of the people who live here trace their ancestry to either Ireland (mainly around Waterford) or England (Devon and Dorset). The accent–a curious mix of both. We sound like a mix between Hagrid (from Harry Potter) and just about anyone you’d meet in the southeast of Ireland.
      The one big thing: we who live here love it here. It’s not for everyone but, like many things it’s hard to be in-between. Many move away–out migration is part of our way of life but, let’s put it this way. We have an in-joke here. It goes like this: How do you recognize a Newfoundlander in heaven? Answer: (S)he’s the only one looking to go home.

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